by Maureen Lipinski
*Genre* YA Paranormal*Rating* 3.0*Review*This is actually the second novel in the Shadow's Edge series. The first book was about Rhea's older sister Leah who is a Shaman to The Créatúir. Having none of the previous knowledge that Rhea had an Créatúir boyfriend in Slade was kind of a drawback. Althou...
Rhea is a typical teen. By turns she is self-involved and selfless, self-absorbed and intuitive and much like a normal teen. But Rhea is also the reincarnation of Cleopatra which hasn't impacted her life much until her sixteenth birthday. All of a sudden two groups of guys are after her. The Order w...
Cleopatra Ascending has a good plot, mystery, and decent writing. For me, however, it lacks a likable main character. Being the reincarnation of a Queen could make any teen girl have an ego that runs the show, but I was hoping for more of a character development for Rhea. Thankfully for readers, the...