Hmm...I liked it but I wasn't overly impressed by it. I think I prefer my Young Adult books to be of the paranormal/urban fantasy genres.
First I will say that I'm not usually one for chick lit. I have to be in the right mood and even then I have trouble reading it and really do not enjoy it. But, I just read [b:The Avery Shaw Experiment|17660979|The Avery Shaw Experiment|Kelly Oram|
Other reviews at The Book Babe's ReadsDue to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.Actual rating 3.5 starsThe only reason that I'm giving this book three-point-five stars is because it's not deep deep deep. Enjoyment level, it's probably four, but as far as a deep premise, it's more like a three....
This was painful. I skimmed my way to the end. Not my thing at all.
I so wanted to like this. Alas.I guess I had an intrinsic problem with Cat. Let's see. Kid's mom died 6 months ago and she decides to hold the Big Reveal that the vlog fan he has is actually her - his best friend.It comes out of nowhere to our poor hero and of course, he doesn't fall down to his kne...