by Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell
One of those beloved children's classics that never seem to get old or tired. A story about a little girl that loves her giant dog. This book can be used in a lesson about description or adjectives. Or just a fun story that most kids can relate to (who doesn't like dogs?). Lexile: 360 Reading Le...
I would use this book in a Kindergarten class. I would really just read this book for enjoyment as a read aloud. I would let student tell me about their favorite animals and things that they like to do with their animals.
When I was a child, my mother always used to buy me Clifford books. There was a point in my life when I had almost all of them. I used to read them all the time and got a lot of my practice in reading done with those books. Even as an adult, I enjoy them tremendously. I still own a Clifford plush do...