2.5 stars. I picked up this graphic novel after being massively disappointed by the prequel, Mercy Thompson: Homecoming, because I figured that a lot of my criticism of the prequel (namely, that it was totally disjointed and had no narrative arc whatsoever) would probably be remedied when we got in...
I enjoyed this new spin on a familiar favorite, but did not like being stopped mid-story. Definitely motivation to track down the rest of the graphic novels, but if it's always this much of a treasure hunt it's going to put me off the medium (or make me wait until someone collects them all together...
It's pretty much Mercy for Dummies.Do you know how much it hurts to give Mercy a rating this low? Almost as bad as Adam felt through the first part of this story. The art was not that great (her tats kept appearing and disappearing) and Adam and Jesse are not at all what I imagined, same for Bran a...