by Kevin J. Anderson, Neil Peart
I'm really torn about this.I had an argument in the summer about Kevin Anderson's credentials as an author. I think he's technically a pretty good writer, but I'm still not sure he's any good at ideas - after all, a lot of his best selling stuff is actually [a:Frank Herbert|58|Frank Herbert|http://d...
A Classic coming of age narrative, using Voltaire's Candide as a starting point. If you are looking for a fun light read, this is a book for you. If you are looking for great depth or a high literary style this is not the book you are looking for. This is a simple tale told simply very well.Owen Har...
2 1/2 starsWhen I first heard Neil Peart would collaborate with author Kevin J. Anderson on a fiction project connected to the latest Rush album, I was intrigued. For about two years, since the release of the band's single "Caravan," we waited for something - anything - resembling a larger project t...