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I just didn't care by that point. Just not about it at all. And then I felt guilty for not caring because what was wrong with me? And then I remind myself that I care about people and things all the time and if I didn't care about this, it could be the writing, or the fact that it's just not ...
I'm getting a little more into the reveal of the villain but having read this and issue five - yeah, I'm an issue behind but only one so not to bad right now! - I'm still not crazy about this. Then again, I quite enjoyed where they were leading up to with this villain but it was the end in issu...
Book likes is so-so right now, but not awful enough for me not to write reviews. It's quick as of a couple minutes ago - or quicker than it's been all day for me - so I'm willing to catch up on some reviews. It's not even not to flood you guys tomorrow to be honest. Oh, it's partly that, but i...
I'm not even sure why I've read up to issue four of this. (And I'd expect a review flood tomorrow as I rush through some of the latest on Marvel Unlimited!) This feels like a different Drax from the one I know and even within this series he feels inconsistent as far as the character goes. I...
Invincible Iron Man #1: I loved it. Mostly for his AI Friday, but yes, loved, loved, loved this reboot of his series. It was fun, it had a lot of depth to it, and I could see myself keeping up with this series. Five stars. Angela: Queen of Hel #2: Continuing to love this series. Ang...