by Alexandra Fuller, Bianca Amato
We all should have our own Tree of Forgetfulness.....what a wonderful thought. "People often ask why my parents haven't left Africa. Simply put they have been possessed by the land. Land is Mum's love affair and it is Dad's religion." Page 117From the beautiful landscape of the Isle of Skye in S...
2.5 stars
Another accidental discovery on the Download Library. I immediately recognized the author - read her earlier book Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood a number of years ago when I was in a book group. And later I heard her interviewed on the radio. So glad I found this delightful...
Fuller spins a delightful read with the story of her parent's lives. The focus is mostly on her mother, but she does devote a chapter to her father's life pre-Nicola. It reminded me to The Power of One and West with the Night; African stories that praise the beauty of the natural world despite hum...
Years ago I read Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller. I loved it. I have been very foolish in not picking up this book sooner. You do not need to read both, but I would highly recommend it. This is “awful book number two”, as the author’s Mom would call it. The two books are about...
I love the title, but if I had a Tree of Forgetfulness, why then would I need a Cocktail Hour? This book gives some insight into the wackiness of Bobo's parents, especially her mother, "Nicola Fuller of Central Africa," whom we first encountered in Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight.I think this pas...
I'm having such a difficult time writing this review even though I loved this book (or maybe as a result of loving it!). As a memoir/biography, it had my favorite elements: compelling individuals, a wry writing style, and a tumultuous setting in a location and era I enjoy.I found myself describing ...
Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness is a gorgeously written memoir about Alexandra Fuller's life. I had no idea when I first picked this up that this was a continuation of her story, but I can say that reading this has sparked an interest in me to go pick up the first book! The way that Al...