by Neil Gaiman
Free small audiobook from Audible read by the author himself. It also includes an sneak peak at The Ocean at the End of the Lane. This short story is one of my favourites from Smoke & Mirrors. It always makes me wish that it was a novel instead of a short story.
This was a free download from Audible.....go get it. The short story was good, it was about Hell in a technological universe. It was creepy and completely Neil Gaiman.But the best part of this free download was a healthy sample of [b:The Ocean at the End of the Lane|15783514|The Ocean at the End o...
Free Gaiman download and a preview of his next novel. Click!***I've finished the story, which I enjoyed, and am now listening to the preview of [b:The Ocean at the End of the Lane|15783514|The Ocean at the End of the Lane|Neil Gaiman||21500681]. I...