Cold Days
Format: kindle
Publish date: December 2012
Publisher: New American Library
Edition language: English
Series: The Dresden Files (#14)
Harry was a ghost in the last book. In this one, he is the Winter Knight trying to figure out a way to deal with faerie queens and their power struggle. There are more enemies working in the shadow. But he has friends and courage and weird sense of humor. The book is a world created with balan...
Cold Days opens with a fully alive, yet still recovering, Harry under the care of Mab, who is determined to shape him into her active Winter Knight. It takes a few chapters, but eventually, Harry makes his way back to Chicago and reunites with his friends and brother. Cold Days tackles a lot! Not ...
Note: I feel that Death Masks, Book 5, is where reading this series out of order starts to do you an injustice. This book does work as a stand alone to some extent, but you will get major spoilers for the previous books in the series and it also pulls in characters we have met before. So I recommend...
I'm so conflicted on this one. On one hand Cold Days is an enjoyable romp through some crazy storytelling where the world gets expanded and Harry faces some pretty rough challenges. But on the other, reading it was like walking through a minefield. I was never sure when I was next going to be slimed...
Well, it looks like I have skipped one of the books quite by accident: Ghost Story. The reason this happened was because the friend that I had borrowed the series off had purchased the hard cover edition of Ghost Story, which meant that it sat at the bottom of the pile, so when I went to read the ne...