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Colin F. Barnes
on BookLikes: Colin F. Barnes Colin F. Barnes
Colin F. Barnes is a publisher and full-time writer of science fiction and techno thrillers. He honed his craft with the London School of Journalism and the Open University (BA, English). Colin has run a number of tech-based businesses, worked in rat-infested workshops, and scoured the back... show more

Colin F. Barnes is a publisher and full-time writer of science fiction and techno thrillers. He honed his craft with the London School of Journalism and the Open University (BA, English). Colin has run a number of tech-based businesses, worked in rat-infested workshops, and scoured the back streets of London looking for characters and stories. To be notified of new releases, you can sign up to his newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/rFAtL or if you would like to contact Colin you can email him at: hi@colinfbarnes.comFor more information, Colin can be found on:Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ColinFBarnesFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/colinfrancisbarnesHis Website: http://www.colinfbarnes.com

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Community Reviews
Hooked on Books
Hooked on Books rated it 9 years ago
The Lost Flotilla series is a post-apocalyptic story about a group of survivors that have been living on a flotilla of ships because a mysterious natural disaster has completely flooded the entire world. Soil pickups where Salt left off. The survivors have learned the location of a secret undergro...
Darth Pedant
Darth Pedant rated it 9 years ago
If the 2012 movie had a baby with, I don't know, Hugh Howey's Wool, the kid might look something like Salt, combining iffy science and shaky world-building with a small community pretty much trapped in one place and reliant on each other for survival. A few years before the story starts, solar sto...
Soze Says
Soze Says rated it 10 years ago
Dead Five's Pass represented something of a challenge to me. On paper, the subject matter was completely up my alley. But I'd never heard of author Colin F Barnes before. Over time, I've learned that a reliable author is worth more than a familiar story-line (consider the proliferation of zombie apo...
Shaykitteh's World of Books
Shaykitteh's World of Books rated it 11 years ago
This is an excellent first book in a series and something that I think should be added to the "must read" book for anyone interested in either cyberpunk or dystopian literature, since this is a crossover into both genre.In the future, after the world has collapsed, citizens live in a Dome with "The ...
Zoë Markham
Zoë Markham rated it 11 years ago
First of all, let me wholeheartedly endorse the Blade Runner, Mad Max and Exorcist mentions above. And I'm also going to throw in a heavy dose of The Matrix, a sprinkling of The Amtrak Wars and a hint of Neverwhere. If you enjoyed any of those, you should give Artificial Evil a go. And if you enjoye...
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