Having read and enjoyed the first volume of Mike Ashley' Starting Course follows with the excellent story of Eddie the android, first of the factory line he's embedded into an ordinary family in order to finesse his social skills before he is sent off-world as part of the workforce of humanity's exp...
I picked this up for a song at a garage sale: I'm always in the market for SF and fantasy, be it good or bad. These writings were new when they came out in 1977 (which means they will be pretty dated now!), but since none of the writers have grown into giants of the field since, these stories were ...
As an AI person, I loved the story Conversational Mode, a transcript of a psychiatric patient talking with his mechanical therapist. The guy's soliloquizing, and the machine doesn't understand what he's saying most of the time. There's a line I often think about. He's talking about scientists, and h...