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Colin Wilson - Community Reviews back

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kuzronk rated it 7 years ago
I'm still going to give their other work a chance but, this starts with transphobia,unlikable jerks and just an confusing read overall. Avoid unless if completion of the author/artist duo.
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 10 years ago
bookshelves: nonfiction, biography, e-book, philosophy, published-1993, winter-20142015, slavic, suicide, teh-demon-booze, weapon-evolution, superstitions Read from December 08 to 10, 2014 Description: Ouspensky s work on accessing a higher level of conciousness beyond everyday reality is a val...
Rabbit Reads
Rabbit Reads rated it 11 years ago
I enjoyed this despite the misogyny. It was a vintage pulpy sci-fi novel, so it was exactly how you think it is. It was a fun, entertaining, and short read (finished it the same day). This book was extremely dated, but that was part of the charm.
هزاميري rated it 11 years ago
الفكرة لامعة بس اعتقد ان الكاتب طول الوقت كان بيتأرجح بين انه ياكد على الرمزية او المادية بتاعة الفكرة فاحيانا كانت بتهرب منه
Witty Little Knitter
Witty Little Knitter rated it 11 years ago
While I have quite an impressive collection of books on Jack the Ripper by now I tend to avoid true-crime books that deal with more modern cases, most of them are extremely sensational and seem to be written for the shock-value. I had high hopes for this book when I began it as it seemed to focus mo...
LittleMissProcrastination rated it 12 years ago
Yep, what Jim Morrison says, only make that insanely stupid, horribly misguided, unbelievably naive, gullible, downright nasty, bloody thirsty and vicious. Here we have Shakers, Ticklers, Mutilators, Flagellants, Assassins, Thugs, and a host of other religion-obsessed whackos. A few quotes from th...
Emad Attely [The Book Nerd]
Emad Attely [The Book Nerd] rated it 12 years ago
“The Outsider wants to cease to be an Outsider.”It's like the most touching words (regarding the outsider subject) I've ever read. Yes. This book touches my heart really deep. It describes my very soul, my emotions, and my life perception. It talks about everything one should know and deal with in a...
Nigeyb rated it 12 years ago
[b:Adrift in Soho|6367897|Adrift in Soho|Colin Wilson|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1275501329s/6367897.jpg|6555347] by [a:Colin Wilson|9016|Colin Wilson|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1243584403p2/9016.jpg]My first introduction to [a:Colin Wilson|9016|Colin Wilson|http://...
Booklog rated it 12 years ago
Kitschy, with a B-movie feel to it and yet somehow oddly entertaining. I think the more recent Dredd 3D film nailed the original work a lot more accurately than the Stallone movie of the early 90s. Anyway, watching the more recent film peaked my curiosity and I had it on good authority that this was...
target acquired
target acquired rated it 13 years ago
Spider World, yahoo! this is so much better than the series' title sounds. in the transparency of its prose and the richness of its ideas, i was reminded of a darker, not-quite-post-apocalyptic version of Le Guin's Earthsea. there are certainly equivalent amounts of those intangible things "depth" a...
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