by drkdreamer
2,5 stars. This was rather alright. However, during the entire book, I couldn't quite make myself forget that seriously grown men and young boys together creep me out. The constant use of the term "boy" didn't help, nor the giggling. 20/50 I'd be more OK with than 15/45. I'd prefer more or less equa...
Well, I've finished what I've managed to find...*shrugidk. It didn't seem that dark to me. I mean, yeah, the beginning was all Neko and stuff (especially the part where they start talking about turning his nipples into women's tits or something), but *shrugThere was a moment when I actually thought ...
Having dinner while watching a ribcage being cracked open to perform open heart surgery on TV? Hey, no problemo!Munching on a sandwich while reading the opening scene of Collateral Damage? UNGH! Maybe I'm not as tough as I initially thought. I've read a fair amount of books with stomach-churning sce...
:( Has anyone ever found a copy of this still floating around somewhere?..
WIP... Damn, I just got interested in the description.
It looks like there are just a few chapters left in this long WIP (as of 12/26/11). I really enjoyed this story although there are some pretty gruesome parts early on, and looked for more by the author. It seems there was another online book which was withdrawn for editing, but the author has also...