by T.S. Eliot
~~Moved from GR~~ Collected Poems by T.S. Eliot Recommended to Carly by: Me. Recommended for: anyone in an emo-poetic mood (or lit people, but they've already read it) In general, if there's some sort of sliding scale of poetic appreciation, I'm somewhere near -∞. The first forewarning of a ...
Prufrock and Other Observations 1917--The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock--Portrait of a Lady--Preludes--Rhapsody on a Windy Night--Morning at the Window--The 'Boston Evening Transcript'--Aunt Helen--Cousin Nancy--Mr. Apollinax--Hysteria--Conversation Galante--La Figlia Che PiangePoems 1920--Geronti...
Everything's here--even unfinished poems--but there is no intro or annotations, so you're kind of on your own!