by Jessica Hawkins
3 1/2 starsCouldn't stand Olivia and Bill .Olivia was just too indisicive , she loves David but doesn't want to leave her husband . Bill is just an ass, all self-righteous and shit , I don't even feel bad that he got cheated on . Even though Olivia was trying to make things work between them he didn...
Come Alive is the second book in the Cityscape series and again deals with Olivia's quandary of having started an affair with David of which she ended as Come Undone finished. Come Alive opens with the readers finding Olivia in the middle of being depressed. Months have passed since she last saw ...
Title: Come AliveSeries: The CityScape Series – Book TwoAuthor: Jessica HawkinsGenre: Literature/Fiction (Adult), RomanceBlurb: Determined to move on with her life, Olivia Germaine has vowed to forget David Dylan. Struggling to keep her head above water, she focuses on her new promotion and ref...
Come Alive was the equivalent to riding one long-ass, angst-ridden roller coaster. My equilibrium’s still off. Okay, here’s the deal. I could sympathize with Olivia. Even if I didn’t condone her behavior, I felt for her and wanted to see her get her HEA. Olivia was a damaged young woman who was sc...