Complete Tales and Poems
Format: hardcover
9780890099278 (0890099278)
Publisher: Book Sales
Edition language: English
(Original Review, 1992-12-16)Can a reader in this and age fully appreciate Poe? Maybe the age of the reader is significant - I first encountered Poe over forty decades ago - in the sense that time on the planet, life lived, experiences felt and understood, are part of the maturing process essential ...
Edgar Allan Poe is best known for his dark and psychological poems and short stories that have had an influence not only American literature throughout the world not only in literature but television and film. Yet while a number of Poe’s work has stood the test of time and made a large impression, ...
Man. This was a struggle. The last several hundred pages (400) were just hard. I think at one point I was ready to call for a DNF, but since this is on my horror list read I wanted to finish it. Now I just feel stabby. So Poe did write some great works (The Tell-Tale Heart, The Fall of the House of ...
For the classic horror square I chose to read the master, Edgar Allan Poe. Since all of his work consists of short stories and poetry, I chose a variety of titles and my thoughts on each are below: From his poetry I read: Annabelle Lee This is a re-read for me and one of my favourites from Poe....
Zbiór bardzo nierówny. Niektóre opowiadania mroziły mi krew w żyłach, powodowały pojawienie się uczucia lęku i zaszczucia, inne nużyły przydługimi opisami. Jednak mi cały zbiór jak najbardziej się podobał, jest w nim coś magicznego, pewien rodzaj grozy, jakiego nigdy dotąd nie miałem okazji doświadc...