by Tony Horwitz
Rather enlightening about how the Civil War is viewed in different parts of the country.
Hm. Interesting. Complex. Appalling. Enlightening. Already this book has launched me onto a quest for greater understanding of the Civil War. What I liked:1) Robert Lee Hodge. Fascinating man with a unique perspective on the actual war as opposed to the romanticized ideal of it. It was Hodge...
From the title "Confederates in the Attic" I was expecting a different book - perhaps the story of some family's hidden confederate past. What I got instead was a surprisingly moving account of the south at the end of the 20th century. I'm from the south, though only barely (Louisville is a city w...
Truly fascinating book about the fascination/obsession that still remains in the South for the Civil War. The writing was outstanding, humorous and very engaging. Glad I read this.
This book has def. been a "trip" for me. Horwitz shows the Confederacy is alive and well with some in the South. I found the book humorous, however..there was a underlying feeling in the pit of my stomach that Horwitz wrote this book in a mocking, condescending manner..which I had a really hard time...
Horwitz adopts a mild tone throughout that reminds me of Bill Bryson. Fun to read.