Absolutely H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S. I can actually relate he fictitious character Sophie Kinsella has fabricated into reality. This one, right here, will cheer you up when you're having one of those downer days. All in all, a book that will literally stab you in the back with it's comedic movements. I lov...
Light and funny, this was a fun novel. Kinsella takes us into the life of a flighty young woman, Rebecca. Rebecca, a financial journalist, has a hard time with her own finances, especially when it comes to curbing her spending. Her attempts to make extra money and skirt debt had be chuckling through...
I admit, sometimes people get very confused when I tell them I am a real life (albeit American) version of Becky Bloomwood. I have a shopping problem. For example, books are one of my habits instead of scarves. I have received letter after letter, even calls, from my bank telling me that I owe th...
I have been meaning to read this one for years, I even think i started it and wasn't that into it. But now I loved it. After I had seen the movie I knew I had to go back and read these books. By the way, the movie was funny, Isla Fisher was great and the clothes were gorgeous.Rebecca Bloomwood has ...
I'm not sure about this
I really enjoyed this book it was very cute and funny. I watched the movie right after and was surprised to see how different it was. The plot is not the same and the characters had different roles.