by Tim O'Leary
A Frisky Friday ReadNerd porn at its best! This book was hilarious. It was fun, it was sweet, it was awkward.Who thinks stuff like this during sex..“The One-Eyed Snake!” Hathor shouted. “Our enemy has found us!” “So, at last we meet!” Malavoth said, his voice somehow both hard and silky soft at the ...
A Frisky Friday ReadOh this little book is GOLD!! Gold I tell you!!So much geeky goodness I didn't know what to do with myself!! Hilarious, sexy and informative!Loved the role playing porn :P
***** 5 gamer stars *****A FRISKY FRIDAY buddy read! And the story is FREE too.THIS WAS AWESOME! Although, you need a certain nerdiness to enjoy it full I believe. Thankfully I'm definitely in that category, so this was a LOT of fun!So many puns and the shifting between "real life" and "role-play" P...