This collection of five short stories looks at romantic relationships in various forms, from the tame to the erotic. The title story, "Consenting Adults", explores the eroticism of an enthusiastic "Yes!" between lovers."The Haricot Verts" peeks in on a tense moment between a couple where she...
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This collection of five short stories looks at romantic relationships in various forms, from the tame to the erotic. The title story, "Consenting Adults", explores the eroticism of an enthusiastic "Yes!" between lovers."The Haricot Verts" peeks in on a tense moment between a couple where she can't seem to say what's on her mind."The Reluctant Exhibitionist" follows a young couple learning to open up and share their fantasies without embarrassment."The Adventures of Sasquatch" is the story of a single mom - and her big feet - reclaiming her inner princess."Between the Lines" shows what happens long-hidden desires sizzle to the surface between two near-strangers.
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