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Constance Garnett - Community Reviews back

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Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 6 years ago
(Original Review, 1981-03-23)Hammett I take to have a brilliant literary mind and to be well read in Literature. I take him to be able to know what a Byronic Hero is, what others thought about that, to have his own thoughts about it, as well as lots of other things (like about detective stories), of...
Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 7 years ago
I'd like to suggest that reading choice, at all ages, resembles a vortex. One's favourite books and authors swirl round, and are re-read (I've always been a great re-reader). New books are sucked in to join the vortex, and some of the favourites gradually sink down, just occasionally bobbing back up...
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
One of the things that I have come to see that is a key ingredient of succeeding, not just in the modern world, but pretty much everywhere, is to be able to interact and socialise. The thing is that you could be one of the most brilliant minds out there but unless you are able to sell yourself, and ...
Reader & Dreamer
Reader & Dreamer rated it 8 years ago
Finally !!! I read this over such a long period of time, but i really enjoyed it ! This book was Clever, full of ideas, and philosophies. Dostoevsky's characters and thoughts are very fascinating. one of the greatest books ever written, I'am Sure. in short, the story is about The idiot, a very kin...
learn by going
learn by going rated it 9 years ago
Crime and Punishment is a novel of ideas, a philosophical and psychological story. These tend not to be my favorite reads, though I do respond to the psychological (I loved Notes from Underground). Characters can feel like they exist to defend or attack particular philosophies rather than experience...
Calyre rated it 9 years ago
- Aimez ceux qui vous haïssent... murmura Dolly.Karénine eut un sourire de mépris: ces mots qu'il ne connaissait que trop bien, ne pouvaient s'appliquer à sa situation.- On peut aimer ceux qui vous haïssent, mais non point ceux que vous haïssez. Pardonnez-moi de vous avoir troublée, à chacun suffit ...
the reading chronicles
the reading chronicles rated it 9 years ago
Considered by some to be the greatest novel ever written, Anna Karenina is Tolstoy's classic tale of love and adultery set against the backdrop of high society in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. A rich and complex masterpiece, the novel charts the disastrous course of a love affair between Anna, a beau...
Emad Attely [The Book Nerd]
Emad Attely [The Book Nerd] rated it 10 years ago
القلب الضعيف.وتستمر الإبداعات الدوستويفسكية في إلجامي!لست أدري ما هو سر جاذبية دوستويفسكي .. ولكنني متأكد من أن لهذا الرجل سر باتع!!أعتقد أنه من اللائق أن يكون تعليقي على هذه القصة قصيرا .. مثلها.هذا من باب الاحترام فقط :) :)بجملة واحدة: القصة تتحدث عنك. يا من تحمل قلبا ضعيفا لا يقوى على الظلم .. ول...
Emad Attely [The Book Nerd]
Emad Attely [The Book Nerd] rated it 10 years ago
لطالما آمَنتُ بأن لكل واحد منا شبيهاً في عالم الأدب.أعتقد أنني في هذه الرواية القصيرة وجدتُ شبيهي! السيد جوليادكين هو أنا - إلى حد بعيد.يستمر دوستويفسكي في إذهالي كلما قرأت له أكثر.هو بلا شك خبير في النفس البشرية، يستطيع أن يسبر أغوارها بشكل دقيق لا يكاد يضاهيه فيه أحد. فلا عجب أن فرويد قال بأنه يعت...
AmySea rated it 10 years ago
I have no profound insights into Crime and Punishment, and besides, even if I did, others have already said it, and said it more thoughtfully and eloquently than I could. Apparently I have read Crime and Punishment before, but I didn't remember much about it, other than that Raskolinkov spent an a...
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