by Eratosthenes
TITLE: Eratosthenes & Hyginus - Constellation Myths: with Aratus's Phaenomena AUTHORS: Eratosthenes, Hyginus, Aratus TRANSLATOR: Robin Hard PUBLICATION DATE: 2015 (originally +/- 194 B.C) EDITION: Oxford World's Classics FORMAT: Paperback ISBN-13: 9780198716983 ___________________...
IntroductionGreek and Latin Forms of NamesTable of Ptolemaic ConstellationsNote on OrganizationNote on the Texts and TranslationMaps of the Northern and Southern SkiesEratosthenes and Hyginus, The Mythological Narratives1-4. Constellations of the Arctic Circle--1. Ursa Major, the Great Bear--2. Ursa...