by Anna Butler
Ummm..maybe 2.5*This would have been a good story, IF it had been longer. Jamie the star player is so full of himself, he loves himself to death, yes, he's good looking, charming, smart, talented, arrogant, annoying, and I couldn't stand him. Playing against the other 'geek and nerdy' team, which en...
This story had potential but just didn't quite get there. This is the story of Jamie, sports star and all-round person extraordinaire (at least according to himself!) whose hockey team faces off with an unknown team from the 'geeks' college, Blaine Strategic Institute.The story starts with lots of h...
2.5 StarsJamie is in love with himself. Seriously. He thinks he is the best thing going. He's even cockier than I like and I like cocky. ;) He's also caught up in a lot of geek stereo types. Jamie and his friend Ned are forced to play a hockey exhibition game by his Dean. He suppose to play a team t...
2.5 stars. Cute read, but the maths stuff bored me to tears. It felt more like an excerpt than a finished story.
This review can be found at The Armchair Reader.3.5 starsThis was an adorable, slightly funny story about Jamie, a star college hockey player, who has to play against a bunch of nerds at the request of the college Dean. Ranting about the ridiculousness of the situation, Jamie expects to wipe the flo...
3.5 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews man, this was fun. This was lots and lots of fun.Imagine this college hockey player that has a Rock Star status being blown up by a geek. All that arrogance, all that self-assurance and self-importance and the...