by Cory Doctorow
A bit dated, a bit repetitious, but quite enjoyable, nonetheless. I've always enjoyed reading this man's essays.
Cory Doctorow is one of those cool hipster technologists with lots of opinions that are mostly well-founded, and an arrogant certainty that the opposing viewpoint is represented by Sauron and Emperor Palpatine.This book is a selection of previously published essays, magazine articles, and conference...
This is probably my favorite book by Cory Doctorow so far. His fiction is good to me, but I just don't feel compelled to keep reading. His ideas about copyright, DRM, ebooks, and how writers and writing fit in the information economy are significant and important. I would highly recommend this to...
I absolutely loved his book! It's a collection of articles that we previously printed elsewhere, but, when you put them all together, you get a great read!The author talks a lot about how he releases all his books on the net for free. You would think he would lose money doing so, but the freebies st...