Cooking Penguin
Birth date: January 01, 1999
Cooking Penguin's Books
Pizza Pie in the Sky: A Complete Guide to Pizza Like this book because it has pictures and tells you about the history of how pizza was created and how to make it yourself, healthy and then all the other things that you can make to put on top.Also describes in detail the different styles of pizza an...
25 Delicious Cupcake Recipes - Delicious and Easy Cupcake Recipes for Every Occasion Cupcake recipes with pictures, no nutritional information provided.Starts out with classic and moves along to unique combinations. Cornmeal cupcakes sound like something we'd eat.Other recipe books are highlighted a...
I love pizza! I Just finished reading through the recipes in this book. I loved the different variations of the classic pizza. I feel like it's so easy instead of sticking a frozen pie in the once I will try making it fresh from now on. Ad if I have a hankering for deep dish, my favorite,instead of ...