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Corambis - Community Reviews back

by Sarah Monette
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Eisheth rated it 12 years ago
I liked this book, but in a lot of ways it felt so different from the rest of the series that they hardly mesh in my head. It feels kind of like a spinoff, but still with the same main characters. Felix and Mildmay go to a very different place, where everyone does very different things, and they t...
Reader's Discretion Advised
Reader's Discretion Advised rated it 12 years ago
Meh. Mad-Felix will forever and always be nearest and dearest to my heart of all the characters in this series...I suppose I technically didn't actually read it, since I DID skip everything that didn't have Felix in it...But oh, well. I'm allowed to be subjective.I like it when Felix be angstin'. He...
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