I have to say that this book was very eye-opening to me. I did not know about half the things that Mrs. King goes into with this memoir. I say it was very much like reading a history book in which you already know the names, places, and people, but it feels like you were there. I will say that the s...
I Picked Up This Book Because: Curiosity. Because of who her husband was, who her family was had to make her life different. The story of Coretta Scott King’s life from a small girl in nowhere U.S.A to the wife of one of the most significant civil rights leaders in the world. It is told in depth an...
by Martin Luther King, Jr. The illustrations are fantastic and wonderfully complementary to the text. I especially enjoyed the artists' commentary on each painting in the back of the book.
Martin Luther King, Jr is well known for so many reasons. A civil rights leader, great orator, great Christian, great pacifist. It is no surprise to find all those elements in "A Gift of Love: Sermons from 'Strength to Love' and Other Preachings." As sermons, they are rooted in the Christian faith. ...
One of my favorite books. I want it for my Kindle so I can mark it up and save passages.
Awesome read! Who knew that Dr. King gave this country more than his dreams. A powerful and fresh look at the Drum Major for Justice, and a better appreciation of what his life meant to this Nation!
Civil Rights laws had been passed, but... This book is largely centered around what to do with the frustrating situation of governments that don't do anything to implement the laws they pass, who don't budget money for remediation programs and enforcement; whites who turn their attention away after ...