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Cormac McCarthy - Community Reviews back

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Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 5 years ago
Maybe because I caught a nasty summer cold and already feel dreadful but this book just left me sad and in tears. I don't know what else to say except McCarthy wrote a heart breaking book about the end of the world as we know it following a boy and his father. The book moves pretty quickly and somet...
theguywhoreads rated it 6 years ago
Post-apocalyptic stories are predictions of the future of "what ifs" the world is turn upside down and throw in some characters and see what they will do. Cormac McCarthy's take on The Road is so much about a man and his son (nameless) do when they are thrown in a situation that can lead to life or ...
Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 6 years ago
(Original Review, 2006-09-30)“Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were verm...
"So it goes."
"So it goes." rated it 7 years ago
This is ostensibly a Western. I, ostensibly, do not like Westerns. I've never made it through any western film unless you count Native American stories, and I don't. I'll grant you that it's set in the Southwest. But this is no normal Western. While reading it, it actually feels like a saga, the wor...
YouKneeK rated it 7 years ago
Listen up, people. The author of this book has sent his story to us back through time to help us prepare for the coming apocalypse. His message is this: After the apocalypse there will be no more quotation marks. Commas and apostrophes will be in short supply. Periods will outlast them all. Ple...
FatherCraneMadeMeDoIt rated it 7 years ago
Overall, an interesting book. It's good to know going in that McCarthy does not use quotations in this book. If you go in without knowing that, you might feel some resentment toward him. For the most part, the reader knows what's going on despite the lack of proper grammar. There were a few times I ...
Chris Blocker
Chris Blocker rated it 8 years ago
I am not what you would call the average Cormac McCarthy reader. Yes, I may fit the stereotype—white male with a beard in his thirties—but I defy most stereotypes and hope that someday I may be the poster child for “stereotypes be damned.” (It seems out of place to use quotes in a review of a McCart...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 8 years ago
This book takes place in Texas in the 1980s. I don't know how many people saw the movie, but the book adds a lot more depth to the characters that I really enjoyed. That said, I thought that it got a bit too long though. Once we get past a certain point in the book it just felt like things were bein...
Blyth Book Blog
Blyth Book Blog rated it 8 years ago
Haunting, fantastic, internal yet real. Might be frustrating to read if you aren't somewhat comfortable with Spanish or if you're expecting a literal realism with a clear plot. I read this one first, not knowing it was the second of a trilogy, but it has made me want to read the others as well.
anatarouca rated it 8 years ago
Este é um best-seller que ganhou o prestigiado Pulitzer Prize, um livro muito bem escrito mas penoso de se ler. Apesar de difícil, doloroso, por estarmos perante um mundo pós-apocalipse em que um cataclismo impreciso devastou a terra, o ambiente, os animais, a humanidade e a civilização, onde tudo s...
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