by Elizabeth George, Grazia Maria Griffini
Wow. I really really liked this one a lot. I have to say that George did a masterful job of peeling off the layers of who murdered Elena Weaver as well as how Lynley has been selfish in his pursuit of Lady Helen. We also get a great look at Havers home life now that her father has passed. Havers str...
For the Sake of Elena Elizabeth George Paperback, 464 pages Published April 1st 1993 by Bantam Books (first published 1992) ISBN 0553561278 (ISBN13: 9780553561272) I am reading these out of order. Yes, there is some backstory to Inspector Lynley and Sergeant Havers, but each case can be rea...
bookshelves: summer-2015, series, tbr-busting-2015, mystery-thriller, published-1992, britain-england, cambridgeshire Read from July 17 to 21, 2015 Read by.................. Terrence HardimanTotal Runtime......... 16 Hours 27 MinsDescription: Elena Weaver, in her skimpy dresses and bright jewel...
I think this would have been the strongest Lynley mystery yet since the first, A Great Deliverance, were it not for one major flaw. While this didn't move me to tears as that first in the series did, this one feels all more of a piece than any of the prior George books. While in others the subplots ...
Saw this one first on TV. When a young college student is killed Lynley uses the opportunity to be closer to Helen, who is helping her sister after the birth of her third child. Havers is dealing with more issues of her mother's disintegration due to Altzheimers. While the story did resolve itsel...
Good read about a deaf student who was killed who had many, many secrets! Lynley is then brought in to solve the crime. This kept my attention and just another great EG book!
I liked this one - Havers & Lynley unravel a crime of passion while picking at issues in their own lives. It takes place in Cambridge and revolves around the murder of a young deaf student. Meanwhile Lynley's in a knot about Helen and Havers is trying to figure out what do to about her mother. Th...
9 Dec 1998Carey loaned me this one, embarking me upon a marathon of George books.