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Counting Heads - Community Reviews back

by David Marusek
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Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 7 years ago
“I am not pouting, and I am certainly not indulging in self-pity, as Eleanor accuses me. In fact, I am brooding. It is what artists do, we brood. To other, more active people, we appear selfish, obsessive, even narcissistic, which is why we prefer to brood in private.” In “Counting Heads” by Davi...
Viking2917's books
Viking2917's books rated it 11 years ago
Tons of interesting ideas. Reminiscent of Charles Stross. Enjoyable, but I found the writing uneven.
target acquired
target acquired rated it 14 years ago
enjoyable and perplexing in equal measures. despite the hyper-futuristic setting, warm humanistic values are carefully embodied by every major character - a welcome surprise for a novel with so many inventions and so much jargon flying at the reader willy-nilly. especially enjoyable are the clone co...
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