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Country of Red Azaleas - Community Reviews back

by Domnica Radulescu
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Buried In Print
Buried In Print rated it 8 years ago
In the middle of her long, incense-soaked wedding ceremony, Lara Kulicz amuses herself by creating a philosopher's alphabet, assigning a name to each letter of the alphabet, identifying X for Xenophon just when the priest declares the couple "man and wife". In much the same way, Domnia Radulescu i...
Memories From Books on Booklikes
Memories From Books on Booklikes rated it 8 years ago
Country of Red Azaleas by Domnica Radulescu sets up as a story of war where best friends Lara and Marija separate. Lara leaves war-torn Sarajevo, and Marija stays. The book ends up a biography of Lara's life, a story of love, marriage, parenthood, and a search for Marija. More than the main characte...
Summer Reading Project, BookLikes Satellite
There’s an old game I’ve heard people play (and have played myself) about what might be a worse thing to happen. Players imagine the worst thing that could happen and are challenged by other players trying to come up with something worse. The challenge is followed by a long discussion about which is...
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