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Courageous (Long, Tall Texans) - Diana Palmer
Courageous (Long, Tall Texans)
by: (author)
4.00 5
The life of a paid mercenary makes sense to Special Forces Officer Winslow Grange. The jungles of South America may make his former job as a ranch manager for his friend Jay Pendleton look like a cakewalk, but it's nothing that the former Green Beret can't handle.A woman's heart, however—that's... show more
The life of a paid mercenary makes sense to Special Forces Officer Winslow Grange. The jungles of South America may make his former job as a ranch manager for his friend Jay Pendleton look like a cakewalk, but it's nothing that the former Green Beret can't handle.A woman's heart, however—that's dangerous territory. Back in Texas, Grange's biggest problem was avoiding Peg Larson and all the complications being attracted to the daughter of his foreman would entail. Now Grange will need all his training to help General Emilio Machado gain control of the tiny South American nation of Barrera; when Peg arrives unannounced, she's a distraction he can't avoid. She's determined to show Grange she can be useful on and off the battlefield. Once she breaks through his armor, traversing the wilds of the Amazon will prove an easier task than defending himself against her winning charms….
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Format: kindle
Publisher: Harlequin
Pages no: 276
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Danielle's Reading Adventures
Danielle's Reading Adventures rated it
3.0 Not a book to overanalyze, just to enjoy
This is my first audiobook of a Diana Palmer book, and overall, I liked it. I didn't care for the way the narrator voiced the females. He sounded too falsetto for my tastes. I think I enjoyed this more than other reviewers, although I agree that there were a lot of random conversations and less focu...
Kari@ From the TBR Pile
Kari@ From the TBR Pile rated it
1.0 Courageous
I usually read about 50 pages or at least 2 CDs before I give up on a book. I lasted only half of the first disc. First, Peg, the 19-YO, naive heroine states that she is different from her friends because she doesn't believe in sex before marriage. Then she proceeds to say really suggestive things ...
willaful rated it
0.0 Courageous
If your idea of romance is two people endlessly, smugly lecturing each other about how corrupt and immoral everyone else in the world is except for them, draw up a bubble bath and settle in for a treat. I gave up when the heroine declared that she wouldn't go to college because she'd be forced to li...
Melanie rated it
1.0 Courageous
I wonder if I should count it as dnf as I must have skimmed 50% of it?Peg and Grange were only in about half of the book, though maybe this was a good thing as neither character was very likeable. Just a horrible mess of a book. Totally outdated concepts and dialogue. I used to look forward to DPs...
Reading Under the Willow Tree
Reading Under the Willow Tree rated it
For this review and more visit my blogIt is rare that I don’t finish a book, even if I hate a it I normally read to the end, anything else feels like cheating but I got to the half-way point of Courageous and had to stop. I just couldn’t carry on. I think the big problem I had with this is that I j...
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