by Tracy Wolff
Crash Into Me by Tracy WolffMy rating: 3 of 5 starsAdmittedly rockstars aren’t my thing… there’s really only one who does it for me and he certainly doesn’t have long hair and play hard rock… (*sigh* Chris Martin) BUT I wanted to try this series – I’m a big fan of the Brazen series books and why not...
I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series!!!
I LOVED this story. The boys of Shaken Dirty have some serious emotional issues, but they are a group of guys that I loved. Ryder's story gives us a great introduction to the band and takes us in a very emotional journey.Ryder is very complex and has his own set of pretty messed up demons, so that...
If you have a thing for rock stars that just may verge on stalking (Me, me, meee...) then get ready to loose your heart to the sexy new band on the block, Shaken Dirty!Jamison's life is completely falling apart; she's lost her job, her car, and her boyfriend all in a matter of weeks. But that's okay...
Crash Into Me (Shaken Dirty #1) by Tracy Wolff kicks off a series that deserves an encore. Full review here:
I absolutely love the characters Tracy Wolff has created in Crash Into Me. She creates a sexy, crazy ride that I am infatuated with.Jamison is a great character. She's always been the "little sister," and just wants to be seen as an adult. She knows how to deal with the guys in the band. She has ...
Book Infoebook, 250 pagesExpected publication: October 7th 2013 by Entangled: BrazenISBN 1622663497 (ISBN13: 9781622663491)series Shaken Dirtyother editions None foundSource:PublisherBook Buy LinksAMAZONB&NBOOK SYNOPSISJamison Matthews has lusted after Ryder Montgomery since she was a preteen. But n...