by Tessa Bailey
Jasmine used to babysit Sarge. He grew up knowing he wanted a future with her. A fantasy that never had a chance of coming true. Sarge has come back to his hometown all grown up. He realizes what he has missed out on. He regrets waiting so long to come back. Only he could not have made hims...
First off, you need to know that this boy has quite the mouth on him. I swear every word out of his mouth was about sex! While it was kinda hot at first, I wish he'd had more to say. There had to be more going on in that head of his than music and sex! I really enjoyed his tortured artist feel - tor...
I am ashamed to admit that I went into this story determined not to give it a chance. The stereotypical younger man, older woman scenario turned me off. Yet as I began to learn some of the back history of the relationship between Sarge and Jasmine the concept the author was going for came into foc...