by C.M. Skiera
When the author of Crimson & Cream asked me if I was interested in reading the second book in The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy, I jumped at the chance, having loved the first book. Since it had been seven months since I had read the first book, Crimson & Cream, I decided to read it again so the story would...
Crimson & Cream is a fantasy tale that focuses on 13-year-old twins Eadriel and Elvar, who have fallen on hard times and are desperately trying to unravel their tortured past and create a magic future. While following the familiar coming-of-age trope, the book is an engaging YA novel that will quick...
Hear now the story of Flotsam and Jetsam, two young boys orphaned at a young age. For this book is their story and the tale of the strength of twins. Living in a Kingdom that has banned Magic, Jetsam only wishes to learn the story of his parents and find out if he can be a mage as well. After he fin...