by Candice Fox
Crimson Lake, by Sydney-based, Ned Kelly Award-winning author Candice Fox, is a thrilling contemporary crime novel set in Queensland, Australia, perfect for readers of authors like James Patterson, Harlan Coben, Lisa Gardner, and Tana French. How do you move on when the world won’t let you? 12:4...
Set in Cairns, the grim but gripping "Crimson Lake" tells the story of an investigation by two unusual private detectives, one a convicted murderer and the other an ex-policeman charged but not tried for the abduction and rape of a thirteen-year-old girl, into the disappearance and possible murder o...
Es sind nur sechs Minuten, die das Leben von Detective Ted Conkaffey (39) völlig aus der Bahn werfen. Die 13-jährige Claire Bingley verschwindet an einer Bushaltestelle, wird missbraucht und beinahe getötet – und Ted wird verdächtigt. Die Anklage gegen ihn wegen Vergewaltigung wird zwar aus Mangel a...