by Kele Moon
So I started this series, as a rnadom pick of NetGalley books, and while I liked Clay and Melody's story. It was Romeo and Jules who stole my heart. But with every successive book, we get to the Garnett crew a little bit better, and I fall for them a bit more. Wyatt Conner had the most intriguing st...
Review coming soon!
I walked right into this one folks.High ratings, long separation, you know its gonna be painful.There is just never a good enough reason and no way to make up for it and it ain't fun for me.I also had serious issues with the pacing. The first chapter should have been labeled a prologue, then the fla...
Wyatt did redeem himself to me. But for a smart guy, he's unbelievable stupid. This is the most emotional book of the series, also the one that might have made me angriest. What Moon put Tabitha though in this made me cry my eyes out one minute and rage the next. Some of the plot was just a littl...
5-Breaking my heart stars! This was Wyatt and Tabitha's book. I never read book 1 of this series but I read book 2 and enjoyed it minus the hick talk. I was apprehensive about reading Wyatt's book since I didn't want his hickisms to come out but this book was mainly focused on Tabitha. And man what ...
I really enjoy Kele Moon's Battered Hearts series and have been anticipating the next installment, Crossing the Line, which is Wyatt's story. I'm glad I read a couple of reviews before I started it because it is different. It starts at the end of book two then shows the whole backstory of Tabitha an...
Heartbreakingly good.A couple separated for 13yrs by a horrible secret kept silent because of love. Let me get the complaints out of the way first. The flashbacks: good, great, ugh the feels!, but dialogue did not feel age appropriate at all when they were in the 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade. Maybe I ...