Originally published in 1988, Ray Garton's second novel, after his stunning debut with LIVE GIRLS, is regarded as a classic of the "splatterpunk" movement in horror fiction. Garton has a way with teenage boredom, atmospheric small-town isolation, incest, drug abuse and over-the-top violence and...
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Originally published in 1988, Ray Garton's second novel, after his stunning debut with LIVE GIRLS, is regarded as a classic of the "splatterpunk" movement in horror fiction. Garton has a way with teenage boredom, atmospheric small-town isolation, incest, drug abuse and over-the-top violence and he has managed to create a modern re-make of the story of the Pied Piper with a sinister character, Crucifax, appearing on the scene, seducing mixed-up kids with his siren song of pleasure, power and indulgence, all leading to a horrifically unsettling climax of death and destruction. And let's not forget the rat-like things that do the piper's bidding...
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Format: ebook
9780759283985 (0759283982)
ASIN: 9780759283985
Publish date: 01-07-2010
Publisher: eReads
Edition language: English