by Judith Arnold
Decent book. The hero & heroine are opposites, she is prissy with her mind only on her career, he is a bar owner and father to his niece and kind of scruffy looking. They get married since she needs to change her name because of a hit-man and he wants to retain custody of his niece. His niece was a ...
I liked this story. When you started to read it you have a good idea of the ending. But the journey to get there was filled with entertaining characters.When Pamela testified against Mick Morrow he puts out a hit on her. Running is her only option.Joe needs a wife in a big hurry. He's in a custody b...
I loved this book. I can't believe I finally remembered the name of it. The hero and heroine get married, the hero so he can keep custody of his niece, and the heroine for business. She is a real ice queen, but the hero's laidback, loving ways and his sweet niece melt her heart. What a great book!