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Something bugged me about this book. It wasn't until I finished it that I realized it was the mum. She spaced out and seemed to bee too occupied by her own things to help her daughter any more. When I realized that was what annoyed me, I decided I really liked this book.
I didn't think that I would like Unearthly. I enjoyed reading it overall, but I did not love it.At first I thought that Clara as well as her mom and brother Jeffrey seemed way too perfect. And that on the other hand made them seem just plain fake. I didn't like Clara's and her mother's relationship ...
Wow. This book really surprised me. Before reading this, the thought of a book about someone who is part angel didn’t seem too promising. But it sucked me in and held my attention in a way I definitely didn’t see coming.For full review, go to
I am always hesitant when deciding to read a book centering around the concept/mythology of angels. Such books can really turn into a bible or religious lesson in general which really doesn't jive with the atheist that I am. When a book starts going into the "god" direction I often end up losing int...
4.5 stars I would have never imagined myself, hater of angel books, to be in love with one. O.o Ya you heard me,I loved this book. It was so different then other books in this genre. At first I thought this would be about a wimpy clumsy angel moving to a new town right away,every guy falling for her...