If you like your romantic suspense dark and gritty, Edge of Light is worth checking out. When I'm thinking of romantic getaways, a dungeon in Cambodia doesn't exactly top my list, so the setting of this book should be the reader's first clue that we're not getting a warm, cozy romp. However, the aut...
Review originally posted at The Bookpushers.Publisher: Carina PressPublish Date: Out NowHow I got this book: ARC from the publisher via NetgalleyTaken prisoner by a ruthless group of anarchists deep in the Cambodian jungle, anthropologist Jocelyn Hewitt is isolated in a dark prison cell. Without cha...
This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.Expected Release Date: May 14, 2012Publisher: HarlequinImprint: Carina PressAuthor’s Website: http://www.cynthiajustlin.com/My Source for This Book: NetgalleyPart of a Series: NoSeries Best Read In Order: N/ASteam Level: W...