I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. A great book with many little stories from different authors. A few stories I was drawn to more than others while some I just did not care for. A few I hope will become actual novels like The Beast, The Vampire's Heart, The Rippe...
Lucy is an agent for the crown charged to ensure important plans being delivered to the American government actually arrive and don’t fall into the hands of a hostile foreign power: especially as tensions rise and Britain’s new Martian technology is in high demand. As a dhampire, a half-vampire, s...
Brainycat's 5 "B"s:blood: 4boobs: 2bombs: 4bondage: 1blasphemy: 3Stars: 3.5Bechdel Test: PASSDeggan's Rule: PASS (with a non-literal interpretation of the test that preserves the intention)Gay Bechdel Test: PASS Please note: I don't review to provide synopses, I review to share a purely visceral rea...
As with most anthologies, there were some stories I enjoyed a great deal, some I couldn't really stomach, and most of the rest fell somewhere in between.I'd read stuff by many of the featured authors but some of the ones I didn't know intrigued me so I have made a note to look into the works of Elle...
I really really enjoy these yearly anthologies. I hope they continue!