Three Shadows by Cyril Pedrosa is a tension-filled story of just how far a father will go to keep his son safe. The story begins with a depiction of a nearly idyllic family complete with mother, father, and son who are living off the land in perfect bliss until...the three shadows appear. It is a st...
I picked this up on a whim, while wandering the library last week. There's nothing I love more than to peek at what they've added to the graphic novel section under "library favorites". Someone out there wanted me to read this, and I happily obliged! Especially once I opened it to take a cursory gla...
Einfach genial.
Incredible line quality and sense of movement. Felt like a grown-up Disney or Pixar story (but only because of blood and boobies!)
An amazing and entertaining collection of nursery rhymes illustrated by cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic novel artists. It's great fun to see their visual interpretations of the rhymes. A few of my favorites: Nick Bruel's "Three Little Kittens," Rebecca Dart's "If All the Sea Were One Sea," Ja...
Have seen it in a bookstore in 2008 as I was still too broke to buy it and have been looking for it since then.