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D.B. Reynolds - Community Reviews back

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Vidalia's reads
Vidalia's reads rated it 11 years ago
Ho-hum. The last couple of books in this series have not been great and Duncan is probably the disappointing end of the line for me. I've had about all I can take of annoying heroines and gratuitous sex. But mostly, I feel like this series is disjointed. It's almost as though it was supposed to e...
Books for Jo
Books for Jo rated it 12 years ago
Hm...I think I'm too bored to write a full review so I'll try to be fast.My Duncan...I decided Duncan is a younger Brad Pitt, and then I found a picture of Brad Pitt from Troy because let's admit it, he was at his hottest moments in this movie! (Not to mention that he wasn't the only drool worthy ma...
Aly's Miscellany
Aly's Miscellany rated it 12 years ago
DuncanEmmaMaru: And we´re back!! Yes, we know you´ve missed our joint reviews so we´ve decided to grant you another one. Aly, are you read to rock the review world?Aly: As ready as I can be :DMaru: So we´ve finished Vamps in America #5, DuncanAly: How would you describe your feelings for it?Maru: To...
Marulett rated it 12 years ago
Buddy read with AlyDuncanEmmaMaru: And we´re back!! Yes, we know you´ve missed our joint reviews so we´ve decided to grant you another one. Aly, are you read to rock the review world?Aly: As ready as I can be :DMaru: So we´ve finished Vamps in America #5, DuncanAly: How would you describe your feeli...
Kyahgirl rated it 12 years ago
4/5; 4 stars; A-Over the course of this series I became quite attached to the character, Duncan. Really enjoyed his story.
TJlovestoread. Romance Reviews & More
cant wait for the next one to be published!!
fr_larsson rated it 13 years ago
Finally getting to read Duncan´s HEA =) Raphael´s second in command is getting into his own power when he takes over Washington, DC, where the corrupt and evil Victor thinks he´s safe. Cleaning up after a vampire gone bad is not an easy task, vamps conspire against him and when Emma appears on his d...
Fangs for the Fantasy
Fangs for the Fantasy rated it 13 years ago
Once again, in the interest of being fair to D.B. Reynolds, I feel that it is necessary to disclose that I am not a fan of paranormal romance, so please keep that in mind when reading this review.Duncan, Raphael's longtime second in command is finally ready to become a master vampire. Though he wil...
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