Book: Alphas UnwrappedAuthor: Michele Bardsley, Colleen Gleason, Dianna Love, Caris Roane, Mary Buckham, Dakota Cassidy, Claudy Conn, Melanie James, Rebecca Hamilton and Conner Kressley, Gena D. Lutz, D’Elen McCain, Julia Mills, Dawn Montgomery, Stephanie Rowe,Terry Spear, A.K Michaels, Candice Stau...
I read through this book in one day. Thankfully the writing style was back on track in this novel. Still not sure why book 2 seemed so cave-man talk-ish to me. This book was highly different than the first two. It seemed the author’s goal was to integrate the world from her other series into this bo...
If you love dragons like I do, this series is a MUST READ! You can see my review for Book I, Dragons Don’t Cry here. Add to Goodreads now. Title: Dragons Don’t Love by D’Elen McClain Genres: Paranormal Romance Series: Fire Chronicles ISBN: 9781311864826 Book Length: 110 Publisher: BL Publishing Bu...
I actually discovered this book first, but decided to read book 1 in the series first. Sadly, the writing style deteriorated in this book. Almost to a cave-man type talk. Not sure if a new editor was hired or the characters were just being depicted as dummer than those in the first book. Either way,...
Sorry, about this I know I am repeating myself but I've read two of these type books back to back so I feel the need make sure readers know these type of book do exist. I’m so tired of people saying heroines in romance are weak and they have to have the hero’s always saving the day. Well, let me tel...
I really don’t know where to start first so I am just going to cut to the chase here, the plot is different and good but the author really needs a better beta reader and editor because this book is really full of mistakes. If you don’t know what headhopping is your fixing to learn. Headhopping is wh...
Amazon Freebie 01/14/2013