Bright and lively Judy Abbott is an orphan who dreams of escaping the drudgery of her life at the John Grier Home. One day she receives a marvelous opportunity—a wealthy male benefactor has agreed to fund her higher education. In return, Judy must keep him informed about the ups and downs of...
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Bright and lively Judy Abbott is an orphan who dreams of escaping the drudgery of her life at the John Grier Home. One day she receives a marvelous opportunity—a wealthy male benefactor has agreed to fund her higher education. In return, Judy must keep him informed about the ups and downs of college life. From horrendous Latin lessons to falling in love, the result is a series of letters both hilarious and poignant. Fans of L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women will relish this American-girl-power coming-of-age story. This gentle romance is the seventh book in the Looking Glass Library series.
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Format: hardcover
9780375868283 (0375868283)
Publish date: January 25th 2011
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Pages no: 208
Edition language: English
bookshelves: spring-2015, tbr-busting-2015, published-1912, young-adult, coming-of-age, orphans Read from November 15, 2014 to April 08, 2015 F Narrated by Julia WhelanDescription: Jerusha Abbott grew up in an orphanage but was sent to college by a mysterious benefactor she calls Daddy-Long-Le...
Jerusha "Judy" Abbott is a Canadian orphan, who at 17 is still living in the orphanage, mainly because they are using her as free help. She is frequently told that she needs to keep her strong opinions and overactive imagination to herself, or nothing will come of her. She dreams of becoming a famou...
OMG!!! THIS BOOK IS SO AWESOME!!!1! IT DESERVES ALL THE STARS FOREVER AND EVER!!!1!!ONE!! (Edited to add: To compound the unhelpfulness of this review, I've just realized I reviewed the wrong edition. Is there a way to switch editions on BL like there is on GR?) (Edit 2: Fixed it, sort of. That'...
Book: Daddy Long Legs Author: Jean Webster Gutenberg: Daddy Long Legs (free ebook) Internet Archive/Open Library ebook: Daddy Long Legs (free ebook. The version I read and recommend, especially because the introduction is a short biography of Webster. Also this version includes "Judy's artwork" in m...
You should read this review if:1. You haven’t read this book and need to know why you should,or2. You’ve read this book, but need to know about the connection between Daddy-Long-Legs and J.D. Salinger.(Okay, or: 3. Regardless of whether or not you’ve read this book, you now think I’ve been smoking s...