by Tamora Pierce
So for the Emelan series, I have only read the Circle of Magic quartet, which this is the third of. For whatever reason, Daja's Book was also the one I remembered the most and it's as great as I remember. The four students and their teachers go with Sandry's uncle as he inspects the northern area ...
By far the best so far in this series. We get so much more insight into Daja's character and background than the titular characters of either previous book. The plot is fairly obvious, but still a fun read with sulfured hot springs, a glacier, and copper roses and so many more interesting bits of ma...
Another solid book in the series
This is the third book in the Circle of Mages series about four young mages in training, linked magically and by friendship: Ssndry, Tris, Briar, and Daja, who is the focus of this book. By this time in the Circle series I was well and truly hooked. I certainly felt for Daya and her backstory, her s...
"On the horizon the landscape's burnin' red..."On the heels of the earthquake and the ensuant pirate attack, the Duke is taking a tour of the Northern districts and is, of course, taking along our four kids and their teachers as part of his retinue. There's been a severe drought going on for three y...
To survive an earthquake, Sandry wove her friends' magics together. At first, this just made them more powerful, but now, each of their magics are leaking into the others. After Sandry accidently lets fly a lightning bolt, Briar incinerates an entire field of saffron, and Daja's iron work starts g...
From the worst in the series, to the best in the series, this one is definitely my favourite. I think this is better written than the others, probably because Tamora Pierce doesn't try to do as much and keep tract of as many different plot lines in this one. I enjoy reading about Daja's interaction ...
Absolutely love this series. All the characters are wonderfully done! Besides Sandry, Daja is one of my absolute favorites.