[I received a copy of this novel through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.]A slightly different take on Wonderland, with a highschooler character instead of a little girl, and with Alice (and her brother) as contemporary young people. Not the usual Wonderland, but why not? The world had t...
Mad About the Hatter was not at all what I thought it would be. I prepared myself for a romance that was loosely tied to Alice in Wonderland… something that took place in Wonderland but was just more like your usual YA stories. The reality was a complete surprise.First of all, I did not expect the s...
Retellings are what it’s all about in the world of YA books at the moment. Mad About the Hatter was my second one in a short period of time and I have to say I started it with a lot of mixed feelings…I adored the cover (it’s partly why I chose to read it in the first place) and I was psyched about g...
“I may be mad, and on occasion may make the truth seem like a crooked street in a twisted town, but a liar I am not.” Mad About The Hatter is an alternative look at Alice’s Wonderland that I very much enjoyed. What would happen if Alice had a brother? As it turns out,a good tale happens. Neither...