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Did you like the way the story ended? Yes, loved the ending. So glad Brett made the right decision.What do you think is the climax of the book and why. Anna finding Brett and Rebecca together. Shows how much a real guy Brett is. Compare two of the characters in this book. Anna – party girl, always...
What would the main character be likely to do if s/he visited? Anna would talk about how life should be lived but addictions are different for everyone. She would tell everyone to learn from their mistakes not keep repeating them.What are the most revealing scenes? Most of the last 1/3 of the book ...
Would you recommend it? I would recommend only to adults who like romance and not offended by vulgar language. What major emotion did the story evoke in you as a reader? Empathy for Anna. She just did not know she was on the road to destruction.Amazement with Brett, he was so patient but sometimes ...
Is the plot well-developed? Everything about the story is believable. I can name several women from my college class who are similar to Anna.Which characters do you particularly admire or dislike? I like Winter, I believe she would be a great friend to Anna. If Anna allowed herself to be open to m...
What did you like about it? That Anna learned her life is not in a bottle or jumping from bed to bed.Have you ever experienced anything similar to the action of this novel? I have experienced the hurt that Brett caused Anna. What part would you change in the story, and why? I would add Jake as showi...