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Dale Carnegie - Community Reviews back

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This is my Blog
This is my Blog rated it 6 years ago
It's kind of hard to understand why there's so much hatred surrounding this self-help classic, but on the other hand it's also somewhat understandable, for some of the methods used in this self-help classic are kind of out-dated and don't necessarily apply to the world we are currently living in, an...
This is my Blog
This is my Blog rated it 6 years ago
It's kind of hard to understand why there's so much hatred surrounding this self-help classic, but on the other hand it's also somewhat understandable, for some of the methods used in this self-help classic are kind of out-dated and don't necessarily apply to the world we are currently living in, an...
Kozielek rated it 7 years ago
Książka dedykowana dla przedstawicieli handlowych oraz kadry zarządzającej, niemniej jednak można wykorzystać w codziennym życiu, w relacja międzyludzkich. Czyta się lekko i przyjemnie, składa się z modułów składających się z tezy i anegdoty która dowodzi / uświadamia nam ile możemy zyskać stosują...
A Life With Books
A Life With Books rated it 8 years ago
"One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them."As I read this book the main word that kept jumping out at me is 'manipulation.' By doing (or not doing) certain things, you are kind of manipulating the person into doing...
DrAwkto Reads
DrAwkto Reads rated it 9 years ago
I read this book throughout the entire year to try to better myself. This book was actually very helpful. It's not just a one time read though, it's much suited for a reference book after you read it through. The idea is to go back to chapters and recalling how to behave and interact during situatio...
literatura sautée
literatura sautée rated it 10 years ago
Taką książkę pisze się raz na sto lat. Książkę, którą znają wszyscy, chociaż nie przynosi żadnej rewolucji, a która w dodatku napisana jest co najmniej wątpliwym stylem, bez polotu ani językowej finezji. Książkę, której autor zarabia miliony, chociaż nie ma najmniejszego wpływu ani na kulturę, ani n...
The Crimson Feather
The Crimson Feather rated it 10 years ago
I think this is one of the most inspirational books I've ever read.
Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader
Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader rated it 11 years ago
Reading Dale Carnegie is like watching old-time preachers on black & white film. The writing is so unlike anything put out today—it’s just real and relatable (at the cost of being a bit lengthy).Dale (we’re on a first name basis by now) breaks down all the reasons you may worry and how you break out...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 12 years ago
This is selections from How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Basically the condensed versions in order to cash in on Dale Carnegie's popularity and as a quick introduction to some of the concepts. A bit dated in some of the ways things are presented, I...
The Golden Darter
The Golden Darter rated it 12 years ago
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